MIH Mastermind

In 1996, Marco graduated from Fairfield University and turned down a job with GE Capital to go into the restaurant business with his brother Gino. At the age of 23, he bought his first multifamily property, a 4-family, in New York.

In 2013, he began investing with his brother & Jake in Knoxville Tennessee, where they purchased their first twenty-five unit deal. Since then, he has partnered with Jake & Gino on over 1300 units, and has witnessed and participated in the growth of the company.

Marco exited the rat race on August 1st 2019, and joined the Jake & Gino team full time to help coach students and raise capital for Rand Partners.

Marco excels in networking, building teams and putting people in place to succeed. He is a husband and the father of 3 beautiful girls. His family and multifamily are his two main focuses in life.